Single Rap Female Documentary - Official Site For The Indie Hip-Hop Film

Check this out before the documentary drops!

Hip-hop artist and DJ Princess Superstar sits down for an interview for the Single Rap Female documentary. 

The very first number one ranked song to feature rap? “Rapture” by Blondie. From Debbie Harry’s historic verse to Iggy Azealia’s current reign, hip-hop’s performers have come a long way from being exclusively African American males. Since the beginning of the current decade, hip-hop has gone through a metamorphosis of sorts adapting the influence of various outside genres, ideals and movements and making them its own. The idea of a rapper being only a certain type of human is all but gone. 
In recent years, an influx of rappers from all ethnicities and backgrounds have gravitated to the genre. The likes of Macklemore, Asher Roth, Mac Miller, Machine Gun Kelly and others have all prominently established themselves as emcees outside of the stereotypical black male archetype. The question that is begging to asked, however, is when will this all boys club turn to the female spectrum?
Single Rap Female asks this question and a multitude of more, bringing to the forefront, the issues of race, gender bias, conflicting concepts of what hip-hop should be, and asking why aren't hip-hop's fans (a large percentage of white women) reflected in hip-hop's performers (mostly black men). Interviews with female emcees and industry figures from the underground to the well-known will unlock the case into what the future holds for hip-hop and the woman's role within it.

Watch the teaser trailer for Single Rap Female, now filming. Perhaps, in a city near you.Watch this trailer breaking down the premise behind this breathtaking documentary of sex identity, gender, race and more in hip-hop.

Watch the trailer below: